
Making Work Pay in supported accommodation

In supported housing, accommodation is provided alongside support, supervision or care to help people live as independently as possible in the community. Residents of supported housing include, for example, older people, people with disabilities, people fleeing domestic abuse, people with experience of the criminal justice system, people recovering from alcohol or drug addiction.

No expectations: access to and experiences of social and private accommodation for homeless young people

Frankiebo Taylor, Senior Policy and Research Officer

This report explores homeless young people’s access to social and private rented accommodation using the following methods: a survey of front-line staff working for 30 organisations supporting over 800 young people across England; interviews with homeless young people and local authority staff; a comparison between social housing allocations and main housing duty rates (2021-22 & 2022-23) to show how local authorities are meeting homeless young people’s need for social housing; and an analysis of LHA rates.

Criminalising Youth Homelessness: Evidence on the impact of the Vagrancy Act and the incoming Criminal Justice Bill

Frankiebo Taylor, Senior Policy and Research Officer and Dr Thomas Kerridge, Policy and Research Manager

This research examines how Government legislation is being, and may be, used to criminalise young people who are rough sleeping. In doing this, we examine Freedom of Information Request data delineating how the Vagrancy Act has affected young people and explore interview and survey data highlighting the extent to which young people are criminalised by measures such as Public Space Protection Orders. Through this lens, we then analyse the potential impact of the Criminal Justice Bill on young people experiencing homelessness.

Unaccounted: the scale of youth homelessness in the UK

Alessandro Nicoletti

To end youth homelessness, we need to know how many people experience homelessness and what happens to them when they seek help. Our Youth Homelessness Databank brings together all the information available to build the clearest picture possible, and estimates that 129,000 young people in the United Kingdom approached their council for help during the financial year 2021/22.