
Take action to help end youth homelessness

Every year, thousands of young people are left to face homelessness alone without the support they need. 

Since last year, youth homelessness has increased by 10% - meaning 1 in every 62 young people face homelessness.  

However, we are playing a key role in changing how our society views homelessness by calling for change and influencing government policy locally and nationally. We advocate for and with our young people – and we want as many people as possible to join us.

We want to show the UK government that a powerful movement is growing, and we won’t stop campaigning until we see every homeless young person receive the support they deserve. 

An icon of a person holding a megaphone in Centrepoint colours - purple and orange

Will you add your name?

Thousands went to their local council seeking support, however one-third of young people facing homelessness in England did not receive an assessment - let alone the support they may have needed.

Youth homelessness is increasing and, without more funding and support from the government, the situation is likely to deteriorate further.

We need as many people as possible to tell the UK Government that No Young Person should be Left Out from the support they deserve.

Add your name today
Two people sitting at a desk opposite each other

Make Work Pay

Young people deserve to reach their full potential and be excited about their future in work. But right now, outdated benefit rules are holding them back.

The Government is so close to changing this in the October Budget, let’s make sure they don’t forget.

Campaign to Make Work Pay
Mobile background with the words "I'm Ending Youth Homelessness" written on it

Become a campaigner

Together, we're building a movement of changemakers to end youth homelessness. Become a campaigner and stay updated on our campaigns, policy and research work.

Campaign to end youth homelessness