
Why is the welfare system trapping young people in employment?

Jonathan Buzzeo, Research Fellow at the Institute for Employment Studies

For many young people claiming benefits, Universal Credit can be both a blessing and a curse. For those like Daniel, getting into non-standard employment meant his UC left him in detrimental financial difficulty. Guest author, Jonathan Buzzeo, describes how the 'gig economy' can prevent young people from leaving homelessness behind, instead trapping them in an endless cycle of debt.

Centrepoint's new modular homes will tackle youth homelessness and unemployment

Pascale Day, Senior Editorial and Web Officer

Here at Centrepoint, our mantra is “a job and a home” for homeless young people. To help fulfill this aim of eradicating youth homelessness and providing 16 to 25-year-olds with a stable future, the charity has launched the biggest capital investment plan in its 50-year history: to deliver 300 new modular homes across London and Greater Manchester by 2021 in order to help young people into affordable accommodation, training, and employment.