Chelsea and Jayden have come from the lowest points in their lives to looking forward to their first Christmas together in their own home. Not only did they find each other at Centrepoint, they have both been helped and supported to find the self-belief and confidence they need to live independent lives.
Shared story
Reflecting on meeting Jayden at one of Centrepoint’s services in Bradford in the Spring of 2023, Chelsea says that the odds were stacked against them lasting.
"We didn’t imagine we would end up here because people said that a relationship that started at Centrepoint wouldn’t last. But here we are, well over a year later, adjusting to our new life in our own place.”
“Before Centrepoint, there had been times in our lives when we’d been close to meeting each other. We’ve always lived near each other, but we didn’t know who we were. Then we met briefly for a minute here at Centrepoint. Neither of us were looking for anything, we were both happy to be getting on with our lives. But gradually, we started talking and we got close. I remember one of the staff members telling me that I would get on with him as he’s very in touch with his feelings.”
Fast forward and Jayden and Chelsea have moved into their own place together. They have two kittens (who they call their kids) and are making plans for Christmas tree decorations.
“It’s a big change from shared accommodation, for example, with paying bills, but Centrepoint helped us with whatever we needed to get the ball rolling,” says Jayden. “All we had at the beginning was a bed with a wooden frame that was on its last legs but Centrepoint helped us with furniture and organised funding for a washing machine.”
The couple believe that home is what you make of it and is so much more than four walls, a roof and even family.
“Home to me is wherever you can protect yourself and provide for yourself,” says Chelsea. “It’s all about being yourself.”
Finding themselves has been at the heart of their Centrepoint experience.
Her story
Chelsea came to Centrepoint about three years ago at a point that she describes as “at the lowest point of my life”.
“I thought it was just a homeless shelter. Then I found out about all the support you get and what can be put in place for you which amazed me.”
Beset by anxiety and depression, at first Chelsea didn’t venture outside, at least not on her own. She started doing therapy classes with Dawn and worked closely with her support worker, Adele and gradually she started to build strength and self-belief.
The staff became like family to her and she felt safe and supported.
“There were ups and down, but I never felt alone. There was always someone to talk to. In a way, it was heart-breaking to leave it behind when I moved out because it had become home to me.
A highlight for Chelsea was the “massive achievement” of taking part in the Bradford Soapbox event. An annual event where teams build a soapbox cart and then race it around a track in the City Centre.
“That really brought me out of my shell. I was very nervous about doing it when it was suggested. I thought if I can’t walk down to the shops, what makes you think I can run down the middle of Bradford dressed as whatever! But I did it and it was a great experience. I’ve been involved three years in a row now”
“Being with Centrepoint has given me a lot more maturity and independence and made me realise that I can be who I want to be.”
His story
With low hope for himself and his future, Jayden came to Centrepoint about two years ago after a period of night stops and sofa surfing.
“My self-esteem and confidence were at their lowest. All the staff have helped me so much. It feels like they’re getting at you at the time, and you only realise the impact later. All the help they provide with courses, getting into college, on an apprenticeship or a job – it's a really big help for people like me. It really brings you up.”
Being in the residential accommodation was a game-changer for Jayden - “not just because I met the love of my life but also for the team building and making strong connections. I’m on the Soapbox team now and we are all genuinely fond of each other.
“Centrepoint gave me a sense of home because it gave me somewhere I could feel safe and relaxed and be myself, especially coming from a place where sofa surfing or night stops meant that you lost touch with yourself. It wasn’t something I was expecting to do, and I was really outside my comfort zone, feeling like a burden in someone else’s home, using everyone else’s utilities. Centrepoint helped me get in touch with the homely side of life.”
Stories to come
Jayden and Chelsea have settled into the flat, have both started working and are looking forward to their first Christmas in their own home.
“Chelsea would be decorating in November if she could, but it has to be December for me,” Jayden laughs.
“We are both working, they’re not the jobs we want to be doing for the rest of our lives, but we try to remember the goals and that we are building a future together. I am really hoping to do a mixed martial arts course and I need to earn money to be able to do the things that make me happy as well as pay rent and bills.”
“We’d like to say a big thank you to all involved for helping young people like ourselves.”
We wish Jayden and Chelsea the best of luck in their new home and that they had a wonderful first Christmas together.