Two people holding hot water bottle and pillow in Sleep Out woolly hats

Hold your own Sleep Out

We're challenging you to give up your bed for a sleeping bag for just one night to raise funds for thousands young people sleeping rough across the UK.

Bring together a dream team of friends, family or colleagues in a local sports hall, or go it alone in your back garden! 

Why hold your own Sleep Out?

Holding your very own Sleep Out is a simple way to raise awareness to the situation of many homeless young people throughout the UK, whilst also raising funds for vital Centrepoint services.

By holding your own Sleep Out, you will not be replicating the experience of homeless young people, but instead you’ll be drawing attention to an issue that affects thousands of young people across the UK.

Group of young people on the floor in sleeping bags

Sign up to hold your own Sleep Out

Swap your bed for a sleeping bag and support us in our mission of ending youth homelessness by 2037!

Register for Sleep Out

Sleep Out FAQs

There are lots of places you could hold your Sleep Out, but it's important to make sure you stay safe and within the law. Take a look at our Where could you Sleep Out page and our How to Sleep Out Safely page for further information. 

This is your event and it is up to you how many people take part. Whether there are three people or 300 you can still Sleep Out and make a difference.

Everything you are able to raise will help us to help homeless young people. We would advise setting a fundraising target for each person taking part. When personalising your fundraising page online, include your target as it will encourage people to be extra generous.

Yes. In fact we would recommend that you do to make sure you keep warm throughout the night. You can sleep inside too if you do not have an outdoors option. Sleep Out is not here to replicate homelessness and rough sleeping, it's about understanding some of the challenges that homeless young people face. Many homeless young people will face nights in a range of places, for example moving between friends' sofas, night buses and parks.

You can hold your Sleep Out any time throughout the year, so plan it for a time that suits you. Remember if you plan your event from November through to February, you are likely to have colder and potentially wet weather, which you would need to consider in your plans.

We can provide you with a selection of branded materials such as balloons, collection tins and buckets, and T-shirts. All our other resources are digital, which you can download including posters and social media graphics.

Yes, but you must include an ‘In Aid of Centrepoint’ Logo to make sure it is clear what you a raising funds for. Please email to receive the logo. Additionally you can visit our resources page for downloadable templates.

Yes, but you must include an ‘In Aid of Centrepoint’ Logo to make sure it is clear what you a raising funds for. Please email to receive the logo. Additionally you can visit our resources page for downloadable templates.

It is popular at Sleep Out events to do a couple of activities in the evening to engage and entertain the group. We have a range of activities and suggestions for you to do on the night on our Activities page.

There are lots of ways to promote your Sleep Out, through social media, emails, posters and of course speaking to people! You could also talk to your place of work to see if they will offer match funding. 

We love to come along to Sleep Outs where possible. As a small team we aren’t able to make all events, but please let us know you’d like us to speak and we will do our best to join you – especially if your event is virtual. Contact us at

We're not able to promote all external events, however if you tag us on social media, @CentrepointUK , we can share your fantastic efforts from the night. We love to see your photos, so please do share them with the Centrepoint team by emailing them to