A young man holds a megaphone at a protest

How you can campaign for change

This General Election, we have a rare opportunity to get leaders of all parties to focus on this mounting crisis and properly support young people at risk of homelessness - but they won’t listen unless we grow a movement so big they have to listen to our calls for change. Are you in?

Currently the government is spending £2.4 billion to end homelessness in the UK, but only 0.25% of the homelessness reduction services is currently spent on young people. This lack of funding, amongst other factors, means youth homelessness has increased by 12% since the last election – which is appalling.  

We need to keep campaigning for change and pile on the pressure for the government to act.

Young person sitting in the park with bags

You can help end youth homelessness

Centrepoint is calling for an end to youth homelessness by 2037, and our incredible supporters are doing everything they can to make this a reality. But if we want to make change happen and reach this goal, we’ll need a lot more people fighting the corner of homeless young people.

Will you join thousands of others in becoming an online campaigner for Centrepoint?

We’ll keep you up to date with our latest campaigns and let you know how you can get involved and take part in exciting campaigning actions.

Become a Campaigner
Young person with their arms crossed

Our most recent success: #Planforthe136k

Last year, almost 136,000 young people approached their council because they were homeless or at risk. Together with over 136 other youth and homelessness organisations, the #Planforthe136k campaign was launched, where we called for all political parties to commit to a cross-government strategy to End Youth Homelessness through a government petition.

We had over 15,300 people sign our petition, making it loud and clear that our campaigners won’t stand by as youth homelessness continues to rise.

Read more about #Planforthe136K