How do I influence my MP?

Use our toolkit to encourage your local MP to prioritise youth homelessness this General Election.

Ahead of the General Election, everyone is clamouring for the attention of MPs and wanting them to make decisions in favour of their cause. There’s a real risk that important issues such as youth homelessness may get lost amongst all the different concerns.  

Young people have been failed by the government for years - so we simply can’t let youth homelessness fall off the radar. That’s why we need to work together to keep up the long-term pressure on the government to put young people on top of its agenda. 

The best way to do this is to get in touch with your local MP, tell them about the crisis of youth homelessness and urge them to put pressure on the government to act. 

But contacting your MP and setting up a meeting can feel quite complex. That’s why we are launching our brand new, How do I influence my MP?’ toolkit, a 5-minute guide’, that’ll show you the role MPs play in the UK today and packed full of useful tips on how to make sure your MP listens to you. 

Download our toolkit now

How do I find my MP?

MPs can only represent and respond to you if they are your local MP. The more people in one area who raise their voices about youth homelessness, the more likely an MP is to take the situation seriously.  

Make sure you find out who your local MP is here ahead of the upcoming elections (whether that be mayoral, local or the General Election).