Every four minutes another young person faces homelessness.

Thousands of young people are facing homelessness alone. No young person should be left struggling on the streets. 

Will you become the turning point in their lives, by sponsoring a room at Centrepoint? Your kindness could give a young person a stable home – often for the first time in their life. Instead of worrying about what to eat or where to sleep, they can start to put their lives back together, safe in the knowledge that we’ll be there for as long as they need us.

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Young person smiling in a selfie

Harmony's Story

Before arriving at Centrepoint, Harmony became homeless at 17 after a family breakdown. She had spent time sofa surfing with friends whilst trying to complete her A-Levels. 

Harmony has stayed with Centrepoint accommodation for nearly a year now. During this time, she has worked closely with her key worker, Jazz, to maintain attendance and finish college, pursue her passion of poetry, and to access Centrepoint's Jobs and Education Advisor, Elayne. 

"My keyworker Jazz has been amazing. I can call her when I am upset and overwhelmed. She is always able to help. I don't have that with many other people in my life."

Off the back of her work with Elayne, Harmony started hospitality training at a coffee shop, where she was later offered a permanent position. Harmony hopes to train to be a holistic therapist in the future and has dreams of starting a business of her own in the area of wellbeing.

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