
Graphic image showing black lives matter logo in black and white

Black lives matter: our commitment to tackling racism

Make no mistake: racism is deadly and breeds hate, and it’s about time the world – individuals, governments and institutions like ours – reckoned with the part we play in perpetuating systemic racism. Here is our commitment to tackling this injustice.

Lockdown was hard - but for those trying to stay sober, it could be agony

Jade, Former Centrepoint Resident

Former Centrepoint resident Jade has been looking after her two small children since the pandemic took hold, whilst her partner works full time. No easy feat, by any means, but Jade's struggles are twofold: as a former addict in recovery, the effects of a country on lockdown has tested her strength to stay sober. Here, Jade tells us her lockdown story in her own words, detailing how she manages to stay strong when the temptation becomes almost too much.

What is The Vagrancy Act

Pascale Day, Senior Editorial and Web Officer

The Vagrancy Act has been part of UK legislation for nearly 200 years - but as it continues to criminalise rough sleepers and pushes them further into poverty, isn't it time we found a new approach, one that actually provides support to the UK's street homeless? Here's what you need to now about The Vagrancy Act, and what we can do to change this antiquated law.