
Creating safe spaces for homeless LGBTQ+ youths

Pascale Day, Senior Editorial and Web Officer

Research shows LGBT young people are more likely to find themselves homeless than their non-LGBT peers, and make up around 24% of the young homeless population. On top of this, they are far more likely to be subjected to violence - both in and out of services. As February marks LGBT Awareness Month, we're asking the all-important question: how can we ensure we create safe spaces for members of the LGBTQ+ community without a place to stay?

What is universal credit? Everything you need to know

Pascale Day, Senior Editorial and Web Officer

Universal Credit is the new benefits system which aims to make welfare payments easier for claimants. But what was once billed as being more generous than the old system is now leaving many worse off than before. Here's what you need to know about Universal Credit - and what we can do to ensure it serves those who need it most.

COVID-19 pandemic: we need hostels to stay open

Policy Team

The COVID-19 pandemic poses unprecedented risks to all, but those experiencing or at risk of homelessness are especially vulnerable. Charities like Centrepoint, Depaul UK and St Mungo’s which directly provide accommodation for people who are homeless are determined to do everything it takes to maintain the high level of service we deliver all year round, yet the sector needs vital support from the government to do this.

A day in the life of a Centrepoint therapist during COVID-19

Monica, Centrepoint Therapist

Our health team are a fundamental part of the work we do at Centrepoint. So much has changed for them – and the young people they support – since the pandemic hit, and they have been working hard to provide a virtual substitute for their usual face-to-face sessions, including contact over WhatsApp, Skype and phone calls. But adapting is not always straightforward: the days can be long, and young people can easily become overwhelmed with the situation. Here, Centrepoint therapist Monica walks us through what a day looks like for her in the midst of the pandemic.