Images to show your support

Want to show that you're supporting Centrepoint? Try one of our themed backgrounds for your phone or desktop, or download other images to share on social media. 

How to save the below images:

  • On a personal computer / laptop, right-click (or control-click) the image, then click ‘Save image as…’ to save to your personal files.
  • On an Android phone, tap and hold the image, and then tap ‘Download image’
  • On an iPhone, tap and hold the image, then tap ‘Save to photos’

After the image is saved to your computer / laptop or phone you can then set the image as your background to show your support for Centrepoint. You can also upload the images to social media to share your support with others.


Desktop background with the words "I'm Ending Youth Homelessness" written on it

Our desktop / tablet background

Mobile background with the words "I'm Ending Youth Homelessness" written on it

Our mobile background

10:10 images

"I'm taking part in 10:10 to raise money for Centrepoint on World Homelessness Day" with smiling young person and 10:10 logo

Let people know you are taking part in 10:10

"I'm taking part in 10:10 to raise money for Centrepoint on World Homelessness Day" with smiling young person, 10:10 logo and Centrepoint logo

Let people know you are taking part in 10:10

"Join me on World Homelessness Day so we can end youth homelessness together" with smiling young person, 10:10 and Centrepoint logos

Encourage others on social media to join you to complete 10:10 challenge

"Join me on World Homelessness Day so we can end youth homelessness together" with smiling young person, 10:10 and Centrepoint logos (longer image)

Encourage others on social media to join you to complete 10:10 challenge