I'd like to talk to someone

Message the Helpline

Call the Centrepoint Helpline free on 0808 800 0661, ​Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm​)​. Or ​​​fill in ​your details below​ and​​ ​a Centrepoint Helpline ​a​​dvisor will get back to you ​​​within two working days​. 

How old are you?
Centrepoint can only support young people aged 16-25
Do you have somewhere to stay tonight?
Have you contacted your local council for support?
Centrepoint currently only offers support in England
How would you like to be contacted?
Where did you hear about Centrepoint?

We will keep the data that you share with us for three years. Then we will delete it. You can read more about this in our privacy policy