Feedback and complaint procedure

We're constantly striving to learn and improve, but mistakes can happen. Centrepoint takes all complaints very seriously. We try our best to resolve them so other supporters do not experience the same issue. We can often iron out complaints quickly by phone.

Contact us

By phone

Please call our Supporter Care team on 0800 23 23 20 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

By email

You can also contact the Supporter Care team by email at

Complaints, feedback and comments

Our supporters are at the heart of what we do, so we are committed to doing our very best to offer a quality service.

At Centrepoint we are always looking for ways we can improve and welcome any complaints, feedback and comments and therefore we want to hear about any instances where people think our service could be improved.

You can read our complaints policy here

If you have any concerns or suggestions about a particular project, please contact them directly, should you know the contact details of the project manager you wish to contact. In most cases the individual team is best placed to resolve concerns and will investigate and respond to you as appropriate.

If you prefer not to contact the project directly, or are unable to do so, please contact:

Alternatively, you can write to

Compliance team (Complaints conduit)
Central House
25 Camperdown St
London E1 8DZ

We are unable to see personal callers at this address.

How long will it take to get a response to a complaint?

For emailed complaints, we aim to acknowledge your complaint within 72 hours. All other complaints will be acknowledged within five working days.

Depending on the nature of your complaint, the issue may be investigated centrally or passed to the relevant team and or senior manager for investigation and resolution.

A detailed complaints response timeframe is presented in our complaints and feedback policy.

All complaints directed to the Fundraising team will be treated seriously, handled sensitively and professionally in line with Complaints Handling Guidance from the Fundraising Regulator.

Supporter Care at Centrepoint

Supporter Care is in contact with a large number of supporters so they will receive the majority of Centrepoint’s fundraising complaints.

Contacting Supporter Care at Centrepoint


Call 0800 232320 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

We expect to be able to resolve most complaints within five working days. If we need to conduct a more in-depth investigation, we will aim to provide you with a full response within 20 working days. If we are unable to meet that deadline due to exceptional circumstances, we will let you know.

As Centrepoint is a member of the Fundraising Regulator, if you are not happy with how we have handled your complaint you can refer it to them.

The Fundraising Regulator ask that you make a complaint to the fundraising organisation you have concerns about before contacting the Fundraising Regulator. Complaints should be made to the Fundraising Regulator within two months of the organisation’s final response to a complaint.

How to contact the Fundraising Regulator


Call 0300 999 3407 Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 4.30pm

Fundraising Regulator
2nd Floor
CAN Mezzanine
49-51 East Road
London, N1 6AH

For any other feedback, or any queries relating to donations, please also contact us using the details above.

Centrepoint is committed to providing a high-quality service to our service users, other organisations and agencies. Centrepoint also value the opinions and views of all our key stakeholders and will take any concern, complaint and feedback seriously.

Please email if you wish to make a complaint.

Centrepoint are members of the Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS). HOS is set up by law to look at complaints about the housing organisations that are registered with them. The service is, independent, free and impartial. The HOS has updated its Complaint Handling Code, so at Centrepoint we are reviewing our policies and procedures to ensure we are aligned with the Code.

Download our HOS Complaint Handling Code Self-Assessment